Thursday, March 17, 2011

Culture Shock

When I went to Honduras two years ago I experienced culture shock because here in the United States I am used to seeing all the guys fully dressed and for them to treat women with respect. When I went to Honduras I found that a lot of the guys over there liked to walk around half naked and were very open with making rude remarks to the women they came across. The most surprising example of this that I went through was when a little old man started hitting on me and my sister. Of course we were more than a little shocked but when I asked my cousins over there they said it was normal and not to put too much stock into it. I thought it was both shocking and interesting how the mannerisms can be so different between to cultures.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic example, and great look at the idea of folkways as well. For the people of Honduras, they were not doing anything wrong (their behavior was a folkway to them). But if they came to America, would be breaking something a bit more serious, do you think?
